A couple weeks ago I went to Starbucks to get myself a coffee. I ordered my stuff and off I went as I was leaving a homeless man asked me for money and I didn’t have any cash. I told him I was sorry and off I went. But when I got home I felt so guilty. I couldn’t even enjoy my coffee and sandwich well because he was in the back of my mind. I told my sister about what happened and she said “well why didn’t you give him your sandwich” and she made me feel even more guilty. 
When I first started going to church my spiritual mother would always tell me to pray this prayer”Lord give me your eyes so I can see like you, Give me your ears to hear like you ,A heart to love like you, a mouth so speak like you and an understanding for people.” Well this prayer is working within me because even though I struggle sometimes with not being so quick to judge but I try to understand people instead. When I catch myself judging I say “Lord I’m sorry who am I to judge I am far from perfect.” I pray and ask God give me your eyes so I can see what you see in people. Often times we are so quick to judge and not so quick to be compassionate towards others not realizing that they too have struggles just like everyone else and maybe if we just took the time to love one other like brothers and sisters we wouldn’t live in the world we live now. 
Joel Osteen says ” it’s easy to get busy and think, I’ve got enough problems of my own I don’t have time to help others. But helping others could be the key to turn your situation around. When you get down to lift someone up, in Gods eyes you can’t get any higher. Helping hurting people is the closest way to Gods heart.” 
This quote couldn’t be any more clear. If you only stepped back for just a second and thought about someone else instead of yourself you would find that everyone needs a little love. Even if it means just a smile, a hello, lunch, or just to sit down and talk. I read a quote along time ago that said something like “be the person you once needed.” That is exactly what I intend to do. Going through my depression I remember feeling so alone with no one to talk to and I want to be able to reach out to people and let them know you are not alone. This blog has truly made me see that there are so many people going through things in their lives and some people just need a little motivation.
Proverbs 11:25 says ” the generous will prosper. Those who refresh others will be refreshed themselves.”
With the holidays around the corner I just want to encourage you to reach out to people. Maybe donate your time, clothes or food to those in need. Me and my husband will be packing some dinner and donating it to the homeless around here before we sit down and have our thanksgiving dinner. I’m not telling you this so we can get a pat on the back but so you understand that I would never encourage you to do something I wouldn’t do. 
Let’s plant the seed of goodness in others heart! 
Song of the day: stars go dim- you are loved